Voting Time: What To Expect On Your Voting Ballot


Earlier this week, multiple primary elections from Congress to state legislature took place across the nation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be the first national testing for mail in voting. You still have the option to go to an in-person polling place.

Everyone needs to participate in the voting pools to ensure that each branch of government is electing officials that will take of the people. These branches include:

Member of Congress 

  • They represent you in Washington in the US Senate and House of Representatives. They pass federal laws that apply to all Americans.


  • They can veto or sign state bills into law, issue executive order, and lead the state’s response during an emergency.

State Legislator

  • They represent you in your state capitol. They approve the budget and pass state laws that directly impact you and your family.


  • They approve city laws and oversee the city’s department including police, fire education, housing, and transportation departments.


  • They sit on state court issues decisions on a range of issues, including criminal charges, home foreclosures, child custody cases, and civil lawsuits.

City Council Members 

  • They represent you in city hall and are responsible for approving the city budget, fixing roads, including public transportation, and more.

The states that have already took place in this primary are Indiana, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Iowa, Montana, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Washington D.C. Some of these states held an earlier voting date, but the pandemic caused the elections to be postponed from April and May. This gave voters some time to request and return absentee ballots. 

This primary election is only the beginning. We need everyone to get out and vote in November general elections! Go online and make sure you’re registered to vote!