Tracee Ellis Ross shows us her Motivation with Pattern Beauty


Tracee Ellis Ross has been our TV girlfriend since the year 2000 and feel a special connection when it comes to her new endeavors. She is not only a Golden Globe winning actress but now an entrepreneur running her own business. The Black-ish star launched her hair care line, Pattern Beauty, this year for a demographic that was missing in the hair care industry. Tracee created a line of conditioners, shampoos and hair creams for anyone with curly, coily or tight textured hair. On multiple occasions she has mentioned what brought her to this point of now being an independent business owner. “First of all be patient and persistent with your dreams, ten years it took me to do this. In 2008 I wrote my first hair care brand pitch when ‘Girlfriends’ finished…” She had a vision and stuck to her goals al thought it was a long process to manifest.

“Like most black women and most people with curly, coily and tight textured hair, I had to become my own best professional, my own hair expert, because the industry does not support us,” she says. African-Americans account for almost 90% of the overall dollars spent in the ethnic hair and beauty aids category, according to Nielsen. Tracee jumped headfirst in a market that related to her and you can see her motivation rise to the surface.

The collection has not reached its full potential as there are more products that will be added to the line. An important lesson can be learned from Tracee and that it perseverance. She took time and planed before she executed which is now leading to her success. If you have a dream understand that times may be your biggest factor on reaching where you want to be. The brand sold out on its day of launch and now Pattern Beauty launched in 1,200 Ulta Stores later in September. Tracee Ellis Ross is definitely a business woman you want to keep your eye on.