Simone Biles Hits Number 1 on Essence Magazine ‘Woke 100’


ESSENCE is proud to present their ‘Woke 100’ list for the third year in a row. This list acknowledges an eminent group of women who are at the top of their professional games. Simone Biles might not only be one of the greatest gymnasts of all time, but she is also number one on ESSENCE ‘Woke 100’ list.

Biles is one of the most medalist American gymnasts in history, and she became the first in her sport to land a double-double dismount in 2019.  Although she spent three years in the foster care system, Simone uses her platform to support displaced children. She has also been outspoken about putting an end to the humiliation that is connected to those living with learning difficulties. 

This year’s Woke 100 list includes other successful women like Dream Hampton, Samaria Rice, Ava Duvernay, Nikole Hannah Jones, and many more. “Each year, ESSENCE’s Woke 100 list highlights the movers and shakers who are taking a stand and making a difference where they are,” MoAna Luu, ESSENCE Chief Content & Creative Officer, stated. “Whether on the national stage, the boardroom, political arena or the classroom, we applaud their continuous efforts to not only inspire others but also to affect change.”

Click here to see Essence ‘Woke 100’ list