Jeannie Mai Jenkins Gets Candid About the Struggles of Breastfeeding Her Newborn


Jeannie Mai Jenkins is new to the mommy club and has been candid since day one of her pregnancy announcement back in 2021. Jeannie and her husband, rapper Jeezy, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Monaco. Although he have not seen Monaco’s sweet face as of yet, you can only assume her looks will be a radiant as both her parents’ spirits. Being that this is Jeannie’s first child, the road has had its ups and it’s downs but has been so educational and rewarding. This weekend Jeannie opened up about one of the variables of being a mother and that is breastfeeding.

Mai, 43, shared she gave birth to baby Monaco on January 11th, 2022 and has been on the breastfeeding journey ever since. “Been tackling this breastfeeding thing for two months. Listening to a lactation nurse, reading advise online, and getting so much help from other moms (🙏) Hands down, it’s been the most difficult part of this entire mom journey.” According to a study from the CDC in 2017, most infants started breastfeeding (84.1%) but only 58.3% of infants were breastfeeding at 6 months. The percentage of breastfed infants supplemented with infant formula before 2 days of age was 19.2%. Facts like these plus open conversations had with most moms shows you that breastfeeding can be challenging. Despite the challenge, you will find is that parents will try to stick with it because of the benefits a newborn gets opposed to supplemented milk. 

According to Kids Health, breastfed babies have fewer infections and hospitalizations than formula-fed infants. During breastfeeding, antibodies and other germ-fighting factors pass from a mother to her baby and strengthen the immune system. This helps lower a baby’s chances of getting many infections. Immunity is built up so much it reduces instances of allergies, eczema, asthma, childhood cancers, diabetes, respiratory illness, and even speech problems. That’s only scratching the surface of the power of this superfood and we haven’t even spoke about the bonding of skin to skin rituals.“For me, it’s was even more difficult than giving birth 😳,” Mail continued. 

Despite your plans, life has a cool way of bringing you through unexpected journeys. Jeannie is infamously known for not wanting children for years. She was okay with loving and taking care of the family she had around her. Now she speaks to her IG and YouTube family about how being a mom has changed her life for the better. Even in the rough times she makes motherhood sound angelic. “The day I gave birth, the nurse put Monaco to my breast and I got emotional about the colostrum that my breast naturally produced. I couldn’t believe nature took place so fast! I fell in love at first latch. I’ve never felt anything like that bond before, looking down at my body providing for this sweet face. I became obsessed.” She was then told by professionals to latch the baby every three hours to increase her milk flow which unfortunately did not happen for the daytime talk host. “Since then, every 3 hrs looked like this: Latch, supplement with formula since I could only give her an ounce, (IF that), go and pump to signal to body to make more milk, set alarm to take milk thistle pills, sunflower Lecithin pills, drink fenugreek tea, massage boobs, in one hour prepare boobs with a hot compress or towel, wake the baby up, repeat. And two months later, I STILL don’t make enough milk to feed my baby.”

Although this is devastating for most moms, Mai did what she could to keep hope alive. She’s using all the resources she has to provide her baby with everything they need. “I had to catch myself because it actually got to my mental, and things started to feel dark. Comparing myself to other moms, frustrated from the ups and down of pumping an ounce one day, nothing the next..and this is ON TOP of all the anxiety this journey can bring. Not complaining, actually here to give moms out there, breastfeeding or not, all the flowers and praise for doing your best to care for your baby-formula or boob. I have more respect for moms than ever in my life. And I have to remember me included 🥴✨🥇Hugs to every mom out there❤️.”

Mai continues to be an advocate for other women and shared her experiences to the world.