ESSENCE Brings Wellness Awareness to Women in Atlanta


A lifestyle that focuses on the development of your well being is a prosperous and happy life. Your physical, mental and emotional wellness are important to your overall health. Balance between all these elements can be the key factors to making sure that you have healthy habits not only for yourself but can pass wellness promotion to others.

According to Madamenoire, African American Women are more prone to suffering from diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure more then men. It is all about finding out what our bad habits are and revamping the way of living we have developed over generations. ESSENCE is all about wellness lifestyles bringing back their annual Wellness House; coming to Atlanta this spring.

ESSENCE released a stated on the event, “Join us on Tuesday, March 7 in Atlanta, GA for a day-long experience dedicated to all things health and wellness. Ignite your body with energizing workout sessions and intimate conversations addressing the issues that matter most when it comes to getting the fitness routine that works for you up to par. Expand your mind and revitalize your spirit with interactive workshops, massages, meditation and group discussions designed to help you get—or stay—on the road to mental health prosperity.”

The motto of the weekend is to ignite, expand, and radiate! Your health and wellness knowledge is the number 1 priority. This is a 1-day retreat that creates a safe space for people of color to come together and share information like nutrition tips, workouts, and products that will help you reach your goals.

ESSENCE Wellness House Information