J. Holiday Headlines Aretha Franklin Tribute Show


In 2018, the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin lost her life to a rare form of pancreatic cancer. In an effort to fundraise for cancer-fighting innovation, Music Beats Cancer will host a free tribute featuring singer J. Holiday.

The “Suffocate” artist has created a medley to the late queen to pay homage to her battle with cancer. He expresses his connection. “Aretha’s voice flowed through the rooms of my childhood home as my mom cleaned on Sunday afternoons. Honoring a legend in this way, so many years later, is truly one of the great accomplishments of my career.” The selection of songs include “Think”, “Rock Steady”, “Respect”, and “Until You Come Back to Me”.

Music Beats Cancer is a charitable organization dedicated to cancer research founded by Dr. Mona Jhaveri. The Aretha Franklin Tribute Show is a fundraiser consisting of live music with songs from the late artist’s repertoire. J. Holiday speaks on being given the opportunity to work with Music Beats Cancer. “Science has yet to catch up with so many forms of cancer, so I’m honored for the opportunity to contribute to an organization that seeks to advance new treatments and survival outcomes”. With many cancer-fighting organizations at risk of losing funding for innovating projects, Music Beats Cancer is working toward changing their outcome. “Being a part of something that helps to revolutionize cancer treatment feels like I’m paying homage to those who have lost their lives, lost loved ones, or simply lived through the fear of a diagnosis.” J. Holiday commented in a recent press release.

Dr. Jhaveri and Sirius XM’s Fred Mills will host the free tribute on Thursday, September 22nd on LoopedLive at 7pm. Opening for J. Holiday are Jazz fusion group Mathew Alec and The Soul Electric and R&B singer-songwriter Shylah Ray Sunshine.