Jenesse Center Honors Halle Berry for her Years of Service as an Ambassador


Jenesse center was established in 1980 that was created as nonprofit organization healing families, helping to sustain the life-saving programs, and services provided to victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Halle Berry has been the ambassador of Jenesse Center for a decade now. As an ambassador, she hares the message of hope and how to implement that peace in everyone’s homes.

Jenesse appreciates Berry for her commitment towards this organization for all these years. Halley Berry helped this organization by making sure shelters in the community were safe, warm, and beautiful spaces for women and children. They salute her as she spreads hope and spreads the testimony of everyone having peace of mind. Whether it’s at home or place of work.

Some of support Jenesse Center offers is workforce development programs, mental health and wellness counseling, and housing and shelter. For more information you can visit or their Instagram at Jenessecenter.