Kim Kardashian partners with Lyft to help inmates get jobs


Not only is Kim Kardashian helping inmates with their jail time, but she is also making sure they can get back on track with their lives. The Kardashian’s recent announcement at the White House was the start of something great that 5k inmates will receive the benefits from. 

According to Media Jungle, Kim has partnered with the rideshare company Lyft, where they have committed to taking 5k soon to be released inmates to job interviews. Whew! Media Jungle also stated that these inmates are to be released July 19. Alright Kim K!

Kim has worked hard to make sure that these inmates will be provided housing and employment opportunities. The reality star has visited multiple prisons across the country, getting to know prisoners their cases, and possible injustices. Kim has been lending her voice to help free those who are locked up because of injustices. 

What’s next up for Kim K?