Misty Copeland Honoring Black Ballerinas in new Children’s Book


Famous Black ballerina, Misty Copeland, has released a children’s book, My Journey To Our Legacy, to honor the famous Black ballerinas that came before her. The book was published today, November 2, 2021, by Simon&Schuster Publications. The New York Times best selling and award-winning author wrote her non-fiction book to honor the ballerinas of color who influenced her.

In this picture book, she is able to highlight the stories of the trailblazing dancers that came before her.

Misty collaborated with artist Salena Barnes to bring the stories alive with unique illustrations. Each woman that inspired her was able to be celebrated through their specific journeys. Not only did these women inspire her on the stage, but off of the stage as well. She acknowledged, admired, and celebrated these women. Delving into the lives of the women who fundamentally changed the landscape of ballet from the early 20th century to today, she is able to show her appreciation for how they paved the way for her. Bringing these stories to a new generation of women.