This midterm election has been a tense one for citizens residing in the state of Georgia. Stacey Abrams is the first African American female to ever run for governor here in Georgia, and it has minorities and Democrats alike excited and riled up to become politically active and involved this season. Former president, Barack Obama, recently spoke at a convention near Morehouse College to help campaign for Abrams.
Abrams has had many important figures supporting her all the way throughout her campaign including Congressman John Lewis, Will Ferrell and Oprah Winfrey herself. Winfrey was even seen canvassing for Abrams by going door to door ensuring that people are getting out to go vote and making sure their voices are heard. Although Georgia is a historically red state, Democrats were hopeful that Stacey Abrams could bring home a win with her platform for progressive ideals.
Last night, the polls had Republican candidate Brian Kemp with a lead at 50.6 percent and Abrams with 48.5 percent. The trailblazer has since announced that she will not concede because of the many absentee ballots that have yet to be counted. Many of these ballots come from areas officials believe to be in favor of democratic candidate Stacey Abrams herself.
Georgia has recently been under fire and accused of voter suppression leading many African Americans to be turned away from the polls and having absentee ballots thrown away. The issue with this is that Brian Kemp is also the Secretary of State in Georgia and also presides over the state elections, an apparent conflict of interest.
If Stacey Abrams wins this election, she will become the first Democrat to win the governor’s election in the state of Georgia in two decades!
By: Raylyn Robinson | IG: @raylyn_xo