Tia Mowry Reminds Women to Put Their Mental Health First


In an interview with Yes Girl podcast, Entrepreneur and Actress Tia Mowry-Hardrict drops gems of wisdom regarding self-care and women focusing on their mental health during quarantine.

“We [Women] are natural nurturers, it’s our instinct to always take care of everyone else.” says Mowry “We tend to not take care of ourselves and put that attention and self-care [elsewhere].”

During quarantine, Mowry urges women to put themselves first when it comes to self-care. “It’s okay to put yourself first when it comes to your wellness. It’s okay to take charge of your health and your mental health,” Mowry says. “Because I always say this, how can you be the best mom, how can you be the best wife, how can you be the best anything if you are feeling depleted?”

The mother-of-two uses personal experiences from women in her life to depict how sometimes women lose themselves while nurturing others. “I’ve seen this so many times with a lot of amazing, wonderful women in my own life. I’ve seen them give up on themselves, whether that’s their aspirations and their dreams and their goals in life, after having children.” says Mowry “And it’s like yes, you have children, but that’s not a death sentence to what you want to be and who you want to be. You have to feel fulfilled before you can be the best you.”

Mowry encourage women to take time for themselves. “I think we forget about our mental health. The more we bleed and the more tired we are, and the more exhausted we are, it’s like we feel like that’s what makes us the best mom, or the best girlfriend, or the best… it’s like, no. When you give to yourself and when you are at peace, and you’re feeling good, you have energy, then you can be the best for whoever you want to be the best too, whether that’s, like I said, your husband, your children.”

Mowry challenges women to “embrace small moments” and to fill their cups with gratitude.

In May, the self-care maven showed off her gray hair and curly fro via Instagram.

“It’s a blessing to get older” Mowry proclaimed when recalling her make up free gray hair selfie, “We are here, we are alive, we are well.”

While referring to gratitude, Mowry recites to her favorite saying, “where there is appreciation all things flow.”

Mowry continues to share creative and helpful content on her YouTube channel Tia Mowry’s Quick Fix, in hopes to “help, provide and inspire” during this quarantine.