Travis Scott Announces the Comeback of Astroworld Festival in 2021


Travis Scott is bringing back his rockstar energy with the return of Astroworld Festival in 2021.

The Astroworld Festival Twitter account posted this message which left fans in a frenzy of excitement and curiosity.

Astroworld Fest was originally launched in 2018 and was set up to be an annual concert event that takes place around November in Houston, Texas. According to HypeBeast, the inaugural event saw Scott, Post MaloneLil WayneYoung ThugRae SremmurdGunna, Houston All StarsSheck WesMetro BoominTrippie ReddVirgil AblohSmokepurpp and Tommy Genesis in the lineup. The 2019 followup got even better featuring additional names such as Gucci ManeMigosMarilyn MansonPharrell WilliamsPlayboi CartiDaBabyMegan Thee StallionTay KeithYoung DolphKey Glock, the late Pop SmokeRosalia and Don Toliver.

As of right now dates and a lineup for the 2021 concert has yet to be revealed but since Covid-19 slowed down any pans for 2020, 2021 is sure to be a banger. This comeback will be created than ever!