Waka Flocka and Tammy Rivera Talk Marriage and New Show.


Waka Flocka and Tammy Rivera sat down with Big Boy and discussed their relationship. The couple explains how they have grown up in front of the public as a couple on ‘Love & Hip Hop’. The couple gives us insight on what to expect in their new show “What the Flaka”.

Waka and Tammy explain the difficulty of living their breakup and reconciliation in front of the public on reality TV was not easy. Tammy says “Anything is harder when you’re facing in the public.” She continues to say “prayer actually works, having a faith and God-” got her through it. Waka expressed that he needed to live in the shadows in order to find himself. He tells Big Boy “through that shadow I feel like god [says] here you go, find yourself.”

During the interview it is clear that they are a team and emphasis the support that they have for each other. Helping their family startup businesses and helping them grow financially is something that the couple loves and enjoys doing. “It’s so exciting and so fulfilling.” Tammy says.

The Flaka family is excited to be back on our tv screens this month. They are ready to open the doors to their home. “What the Flocka” premieres March 12, 2020 on WE tv. Expect to see the whole family join the couple this season.

Watch the full interview with Big Boy below.