Killer Mike Creates New Digital Banking Platform for Black Families


Killer Mike recently sat down with Gia Peppers for REVOLT’S ‘Stand Up For’ series. The rapper explained how his new digitization banking app, Greenwood, will help financially liberate Black Americans.

“Greenwood is radically different,” Killer Mike explains. “Just like food deserts in our community, we have banking deserts. The possibility to bank through here reduces the possibility of you having to go to the liquor store to cash your check.”

Currently, White American’s net worth is 10 times higher than that of Black Americans. This large difference in wealth is due to current and past forms of systematic racism that have prevented African Americans from excelling financially like their white counterparts.

The Grammy-winning artist drew inspiration from Tulsa’s Greenwood District, aka “Black Wall Street.” Black Wall Street was an affluent district in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Black businesses flourished. For Killer Mike, Black Wall Street serves as a blueprint of how Black and Brown families can gain wealth.

“Phase one of the plan is just making sure you can bank, with a real bank account, right there in your hands,” Mike explains. “Phase two of the plan is to grow into lending for particularly car loans and home loans. Your home will be your real first acquisition of wealth.”

For the R.A.P. Music artist the biggest message he Is trying to convey with his new digital banking platform is that “Greenwood banking is fairness and financial security for all.”

To watch Gia Peppers and Killer Mike’s full conversation regarding financial literacy, the racial wealth gap, and was to gain financial freedom, click here.