Bishop T.D. Jakes Shook The Room at the 2022 International Leadership Summit


Bishop T.D. Jakes has been well known for his ability to move an audience with his words, spiritually and emotionally, and this past weekend he did just that. The 2022 International Leadership Conference was held in Charolette, North Carolina founded by Jakes to cultivate aspiring and tenured entrepreneurs and leaders with tools to become successful in for-profit and not-for-profit industries. During the 3-day summit thousands of people gathered at the Charolette Convention Center to hear from leaders around the world during various master classes and break out sessions.

Being the power house that he is, Bishop Jakes was sure to highlight topics at the summit that will not only allow the attendees to grow, but to truly transform their lives. Through prayer, preaching and worship, the attendees were given the blue print to brand building, financial literacy, economic power, and more. Speaker at the conference included Oscar award winning actor Denzel Washington, Grammy award winning artist Donald Lawerence, trauma therapist and life coach Dr. Anita Phillips, CEO of REVOLT TV Detavio Samuels, Global Chief Marking Officer at Amazon Prime Video & Amazon Studios Ukonwa Ojo, U.S. Presidential special appointee Janice Bryant Howroyd, President of Ghana Nana Akufo-Addo, Paster Joel Osteen, and more.

“You could feel the energy in the room, it was so powerful” Bridget Mathis, an attendee at the summit tells JaGurl TV. “I am moved, inspired and excited to get back home and get to it!”

The next summit has been scheduled for May 4-6, 2023 in Orlando, Florida. For more details about the summit head over to and there you can register to attend the summit in 2023. Tickets are 50% off until April 4th at midnight.