Holiday The GoldenChild Talks Turning Down Love & Hip Hop, New Mixtape ‘The Makeover’, and More


On the first episode of JaGurl TV’s Live Series: #LetsTalk, we caught up with New York rapper, songwriter and producer Holiday The Goldenchild. With only 3 years in the music industry, Holiday has set the bar and is continuing to hustle her way to the top.

In the interview, she jumped right in and spoke about her transition from being a stripper for 7 years to a rapper. “The strip club is savage, and cut throat,” she said. “Music is my dream, but my biggest goal is to finically provide for my family.”

In 2017, Holiday’s music career took off, and now she is currently working on her mixtape entitled The Makeover. She stated, “It represents…I don’t wanna call myself the ‘new me’ but…’the better me’. So when I say makeover, its not that I had everything I needed, it just needed to be highlighted.” With her emotions and tears of joy starting to flow, she continued, “I’m in such a great place in my life, where I’m able to pursue all my dreams.” She said her inspiration behind the mixtape is “The most iconic women of the rap game. The Queen Latifah’s, Lil Kim’s and Lauryn Hill’s.”

Her last project included her record “Petty” featuring Love and Hip Hop Miami new comer, Sukihana. Holiday made it clear that she would only do reality tv if it was done her way. “It’s an up and down thing for me, I’m private, but I’m not. It’s a matter of how much I want people to really be in my world.” she continued, “I’ve had offers, and I’ve had conversations, about Love and Hip Hop. And I think the ultimate decision was just like, ‘she’s not giving us enough,’. It’s really my personal life, my love life is what I don’t really want to publicize.”

During the quarantine life, Holiday said she is using her time to prepare for the release of her new music video and marketing herself. “I’m doing a lot of phone calls back and forth with just getting press releases together. I’m about to drop a video so were going through the edits.” Holiday gave credit to her team for continuing to push her, support her and how they support each other in all endeavors they are pursuing.

Currently, she launched her new website Holiday The Goldenchild Fan Page. Fans are able to purchase #GoldGang merchandise, receive exclusive content, and become a gold member. “Anywhere I get a chance to grow my platform and tell my story, I definitely want to be there.”

Watch the full interview here!