Stacey Abrams is Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize


Former Georgia gubernatorial Democratic candidate and voting rights activist, Stacey Abrams has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Norwegian Parliament member Lars Haltbrekken of the Socialist Left Party was the one to announce Abrams’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

“Saying that the nomination was inspired by her work promoting nonviolent change through voting,” Haltbrekken continues, “Abrams’ work follows in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s footsteps in the fight for equality before the law and for civil rights,” Haltbrekken stated, according to Fox5.

The voting rights activist is also being recognized and honored for continuing on a legacy in other aspects on the behalf of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Abrams’ efforts to complete King’s work are crucial if the United States of America shall succeed in its effort to create fraternity between all its peoples and a peaceful and just society,” Haltbrekken said.

With Abrams using her high profile to keep the party focused on the state, this assisted the Georgia Democrats’ voting rights organization Fair Fight Action in raising millions of dollars to organize and register hundreds of thousands of voters, which factored in a huge turn out for the election!

There are other candidates for the prize this year including former President Donald Trump, Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, the Black Lives Matter Movement, and climate activist Greta Thunberg.

In March, the Norwegian committee will release a shortlist for the award.