Usher’s New Look Re-Launches ‘I Can’t, but You Can’ Educational Campaign for Students


Usher’s New Look (UNL) announced its fall 2020 educational development programming for high school and college students. This back-to-school initiative includes the relaunch of the I Can’t, But You Can campaign, a youth-led voter registration and awareness initiative designed to equip young people between the ages of 12-19 with educational insights about democracy and the democratic process. The combination of these programs strives to educate the youth on the purpose and the impact of voting.

Geoff Streat, COO of Usher’s New Look, states “We designed this campaign to allow participants to engage with speakers, performers and experts all gathered to collaboratively unpack the history of voting and voting rights, the importance of voting, and how elections are conducted in the U.S. This virtual summit will be followed in subsequent weeks by a series of virtual sessions with content experts on voter mobilization, voting rights, and other related topics to facilitate expanded dialogues around the I Can’t, But You Can curriculum.  Additionally, youth will have the opportunity to participate in voter outreach efforts, including through socially distanced events and digital platforms.”

Students are given the tools to understand policies and positive changes they can make in their communities across the country. In addition they will also receive virtual content and solutions to COVID-related issues affecting back to school protocols and teaching methods. The launch event will also feature live performances and opportunities to engage in virtual fellowship and collaborative activities. Due to the ongoing pandemic, these activities are strictly a virtual experience that launches on September 24. 

According to a press release, students will be taught the definition of democracy and how it is exercised in the U.S.; a review of voting rights and the Constitution; the importance and impact of voting on federal, local, and state levels; a thorough review and explanation of the Presidential election process; and an analysis of how technology and social media platforms can be leveraged to increase awareness and voter turnout.

“Usher’s New Look is proud to re-launch our I Can’t, But You Can campaign to help our young people become better informed about democracy and the democratic process,” says Careshia Moore, president and CEO of Usher’s New Look. “Now more than ever, young people have the power to impact change. So in keeping with UNL’s mission to activate, motivate and inspire the power within our young people, we are pleased to be at the forefront of the conversation and to be driving that conversation into action. And this is just the tipping point, as our programming calendar for the fall and through the rest of the year is more robust than ever.”