Kendall Jenner Shares Tools to Help Overcome Anxiety and Depression


About 6 million Americans suffer from panic disorder, a psychiatric condition that causes people to suffer panic attacks (the intense and abrupt onset of fear or discomfort), according the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. The terms “panic attack” and “anxiety attack” can easily be used interchangeably). Anxiety and depression are more common than we think. The issue comes in when the effects are long lasting and interfere with your daily activities. Based on your circumstances sometimes your symptoms are hard to control. Someone who has been vocal about their condition is Kendall Jenner. All though she lives a high fashion life it does not exclude her from everyday life.

According to, Anxiety disorders are among the most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions; about 30% of young adults age 18-29 have them. Depression and anxiety also often go together; 58% of people who have ever been diagnosed with a major depressive disorder also have an anxiety disorder. This stems from the climate of our society. Some factors that can contribute to anxiety and depression in young adults are judgement, feeling behind on our goals, financial struggles, not properly checking up on their health, and social media. Surprisingly social media has been proven as a depressant if not used correctly or in a positive manner.

In the case of Kendall Jenner, her anxiety is triggered by many traumatic moments she has as being a public figure. “Anxiety is all mental, so you have to try and find your ways around it,” Jenner said in an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. “I try and maintain it, but sometimes it’s out of your control.”

Kendall Jenner has been proactive in handling her anxiety. She has talked to many doctors who specializes in helping her cope with her traumas. Before taking medication she has tried natural way of helping herself. These practices include acupuncture and sound bathing. It helped to calm her nervous system and come to terms with her anxiety. Based on her doctors, she improved tremendously on how she feels on a day to day basis.

To manage your anxiety and depression you have to find what your body responds to the best. You may find a benefit from doing antidepressant physical activities like running, dancing and writing. The goal is to find an activity that releases your endorphins (feel good hormones). Vitamin D is a great way to ease your mind and feel good. Taking time out the office for 30  minutes and sitting in the sun can change the coarse of your day. Laughing is also a good way to help with releasing your endorphins. Foods containing probiotics, such as yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut, which can influence the release of hormones.

By: Imani Kerr