Stressed About the 2020 Election? Here’s the Best Ways to Cope With Your Anxiety


It has been two days since Election Day in the United States and the country is in disarray. Americans anxiously wait as the final ballots are counted so we can find out who will be next in power. This has been a historical moment in history and it has kept a lot of us on edge. How do you cope with election season stress?

If you think about it, we have had back-to-back hits on our mental health in 2020. Just ask Spider-Man:

So the question is, how do you relieve voter anxiety with positivity? Well it’s all about balance.

Desensitize Yourself

Listening to the news is a great resource for finding out information but sometimes it can be overwhelming. Take time out the day to turn off the phone, computer, and television for quiet time. Get back into your own thoughts and process what you are thinking. Other people’s opinions can have an effect on our mood and our days can move very quick. 30-minutes to a hour of slink can do wonders for the brain.

Call Your Friends and Family

Take times for the ones you love. Working towards your goals is never a bad thing but an overworked mind does not lead to a progressive day. Take time to laugh and reconnect with those who know you the best.

Clean and Organize

One of the best ways to help you regain control over your environment is by cleaning and organizing. Some cleaning tasks that require repetitive motions, such as vacuuming or washing dishes, can help you feel less nervous because it can serve as a mindfulness exercise. Especially in a pandemic where we spend so much time inside, its relaxing to have a clean space.

Get Involved

It’s easy to feel like you are losing control as there are so many moving parts around you. Taking the time to get involved in your community to help the progression of the election can make you feel involved. Giving yourself a purpose during this time makes you a part of history!