Dionne Warwick Celebrates her Legacy in Honor of Women’s History Month


Dionne Warwick is a multi-Grammy award-winning American singer, actress, television host, and former Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Along with her early singing career, she is the second most charted female vocalist during the rock era of 1955-1999. Also along her path of artistry, she is an interior designer in collaboration with her partner designer Bruce Garrick. Together they collaborate to form WG Design labs. 

The spring of 2022 has much planned in earnest commemoration for the world-renown sensation who is Warwick. In honor of March, kicking off National Women’s History Month, Warrick is slated to be presented with her acknowledgment of being a multi-dimensional success story. On March 26, 2022, the sixth annual On the Move Forum to Advance Women convention will take place at Bay Path University. The forum acknowledges the power of untold women’s history and the contributions made by and for women of all backgrounds. They intend to present Warwick with a high honor as a testament to her achievements and success in “giving her voice to the voiceless.”

In additional recognition of her grace, humanitarianism, and presence, Warwick is the central focus in a CNN Films documentary of her legacy. The documentary Dionne Warwick: Don’t Make Me Over will portray an equally deep, personal, and intimate portrait of the living legend. 

The documentary will highlight moments of Warwick’s career, covering her musical journey and beyond the stage. We as the audience will gain additional insight into her pathology for why she wanted to speak up against discrimination in both America and the rest of the world. The upcoming project refers to Ms. Warwick as “a deeply ‘transformational leader.’ Her extraordinary voice is a gift that she uses for her art, and always also as an instrument for creating positive change, compassion, and social justice, wherever she is.”