Legendary Speechwriter Thomas J. Madden Talks News, Speechwriting, and his PR Firm ‘TransMedia Group’


Tom Madden is the quintessential “spin man.” Telling him to stop spinning, inventing products like his Knife and Forklift™ that helps you to exercise while eating, and writing articles, blogs and books is like telling the government to stop spending money—pointless.  His popular blog is called MaddenMischief.

In an exclusive interview with JaGurl TV, Madden spoke on his introduction into the media world. “I really didn’t get interested into media until I was in college,”. He attended business school at Temple University in Philadelphia and decided to take communication courses. One of his teachers had a strong influence on him to write, “She applauded the way I wrote, the way I wrote the lead sentences in press releases, she’d say, ‘You write a good lead, then after that it all falls apart. If you can keep that same interest level going, you’ll be a wonderful reporter.'”, and boy was she right.

Madden went on to become one of the top news reporter at The Philadelphia Inquirer breaking news stories including the first hijacking in 1961. He even covered news around the civil rights movement, “It was a tough town, there were a lot of riots, and there was racial problems”, all similar to the ones in which America is dealing with this present day.

After years of reporting the news Madden began writing speeches for the CEO’s of AT&T, Kellogg’s and other companies. “My first account was the kelloggs company” Madden says, “I would train them (chairman) to be on television. And some of my speeches for the chairman were reprinted in the New York Times.” With his speeches gaining attraction, he was hired to work at American Broadcasting Companies. “They heard about my speech writing” he stated.

He later became a highly ranked executive at NBC, serving as Vice President, Assistant to the President under then-CEO Fred Silverman who passed away this past year. “I was his right head. I would write all of his speeches” Madden explained. When television wunderkind Silverman became CEO of NBC, Madden was the only ABC executive he took with him.

After departing NBC, Madden launched his own award-winning public relations firm, TransMedia Group. “I wanted to be a free spirit, I wanted to be my own thing. It’s nothing like owning your own business.” Madden says. The firm has offices worldwide including Boca Raton, Florida, and Rome, Italy.

He has since then won many awards, including the Public Relations Society of America’s Bronze Anvil for a PR campaign he conducted for the City of New York. He also owns Madden Talent, a licensed talent agency representing actors, artists, and models.”

He is the author of several best-selling books including Spin Man, King of the CondoIs There Enough BRADY in TRUMP to Win the inSUPERable Bowl? and his latest book Love Boat 78 available on Amazon and recently nominated for 2020 Reader’s Choice Awards.

Madden is truly a living legend, and his work will forever inspire.