Therapy is Our Friend


Did you know that depression rates are rising with millennials? We put so much pressure on ourselves between finding the right career, balancing a social life, managing our finances, and simply just finding a place in the world. We take care of every element of ourselves but our mental health. The best thing to do is try and find help but a lot of us will suppress our feelings rather than talking to someone.

I know it’s hard to find a balance but we should incorporate therapy in our lives. There are a lot of free resources out there but there is a bad stigma around therapy. Going to a therapist doesn’t always mean your crazy and somethings it’s good to just let it all out. Sometimes it’s good to talk to someone with an unbiased opinion. From there that professional can give us healthy ways to deal with our emotions. As someone who works so hard please find a way to take care of yourself first.

By: Imani Kerr