Tiffany Evans talks new EPs, A Solo Tour and Wanting to Work with Tyler Perry and Keke Palmer


In 2020, Tiffany Evans is promising us new music. You may remember Tiffany knocking out her competition every week on Star Search, or as Tyler Perry’s daughter in Diary Of A Mad Black Woman, or maybe you recall her singing the hit song “Promise Ring.” If you’re wondering what Tiffany is up to the wait is over. The child star turnt grown and sexy singer caught up with JaGurl TV to give an exclusive interview on everything she has coming for the year. From wanting to release 3 new EPs and going on a solo tour to expressing wanting to work with Keke Palmer and Tyler Perry. Her latest single, “Merry Go Round” was recently released and Tiffany inspires to motivate and encourage all who listen to her music.

Interviewer: “Merry Go Round” is your latest single. Can you talk about the inspiration for the song and how it came about?

Tiffany: I basically pull inspiration from a lot of different things. At the time, it could be something that I’m going through myself or something that my family members or my friends might be going through. In this case it was a situation with one of my friends and what she was going through. She’s telling me about her emotions and how she’s feeling crazy and all of that good stuff and she basically was venting to me about everything. I was like look don’t be ashamed of what you’re going through cause I’m pretty sure that a lot of women have been in your shoes. After I spoke to her I told her that I was going to write a song about it and she was just like okay well as long as you don’t say my name then we good and basically, I just started writing about it and I pulled inspiration from her and it turned out to be dope. She ended up loving it too.

Interviewer: Would you say that you write music based on past situations that your loved ones endure to help them heal?

Tiffany: Yes, absolutely. I feel like in a lot of my music even when I speak on things that I’ve gone through myself I’m really trying to help the next person be able to cope with whatever their dealing with and maybe look at it from another perspective. I feel like we all go through similar things in life and we all handle our situations differently whatever that the circumstances may be and we all need encouragement and a little push sometimes to move on to better things. We need encouragement for healing and that’s really what I try to do with most of my music. When people listen, I want them to feel they’ve been inspired or they’ve been encouraged. That’s really one of my main goals.

Interviewer: The choreography in “Merry Go Round” was choreographed by Brandon Forrest whose worked with a lot of big names in the industry. What was it like working with him?

Tiffany: I’ve been working with him for years actually. He started dancing for me back in 2016 I believe. He’s always been incredible. Incredibly great and eccentric and different with his movement but always precise and I’ve always loved that about him. It’s interesting how he just takes his craft so serious. There’s not a time where I haven’t heard or seen Brandon perfecting his craft and what he does because he’s so into it and he loves what he does. I just said years ago that I need that energy around me and we’ve been working together ever since then. He pulls out a lot of dopeness out of me. He’s able to take me to a place choreography wise where it pushes me, and it doesn’t allow me to stay comfortable which is what I really really want because you can’t be comfortable when you’re trying to grow. So, he’s amazing and I really can’t say anything else but that he’s really dope.

Interviewer: When can we expect your new project?

Tiffany: I’m going to be announcing the date very soon. If I were to announce the date now I know that my publicist would probably pull my head off. But, I’m going to be announcing the date soon. The project is actually 97 percent done and I’m really excited about it. It feels really really good and you guys are going to be getting it very soon. I just don’t want to announce the date and then put my foot in my mouth but it’s on the way.

Interviewer: C’mon, we need that new album Tiffany.

Tiffany: I know, I know! And you know it’s like the first of a whole bunch of projects that I’m going to be releasing this year. So, I feel really really good about it. It’s the first and I feel like everybody has been waiting for it and its going to be worth the wait. Like you guys are going to appreciate all of the messages, and the sound and the energy that I’m giving you. So, I just want to make sure that its perfected because once it’s out its out and you can’t take it back.

Interviewer: How many albums, mixtapes and EPs do you plan on releasing this year?

Tiffany: Honestly, I really have a goal to release about three and that’s me being ambitious.

Interviewer: Three albums?

Tiffany: Three EPs. So, I haven’t worked on an album yet because I feel like albums are…I wouldn’t say a lot of pressure. But, I want to be in a certain space when I begin working on my second album. So, I would want to be in a certain place mentally and career wise before I start working on my second album. So, for right now I’m going to be giving you guys EPs and they’re going to be completely amazing. I can’t really say much but I know that this is going to be some of my best work to date so I’m excited.

Interviewer: Are there any artist that you can tell us that are going to be featured on any of the EPs?

Tiffany: (Laughter) 

Interviewer: (Laughter) C’mon Tiff.

Tiffany: Well, I’ll give you one of them. And I love this artist so much. (Laughter) He’s really really amazing and honestly whenever I work with him I tell people all the time that he literally makes me step my game up. It’s Jawan Harris. He is absolutely amazing. A lot of people know him from the record “Keisha.” When I say this man is absolutely insane. He actually collaborated with me on the writing tip and vocal production for a lot of the records on my EP so you guys get to hear that as well. But we have some records together and its absolutely like outta here. I can’t wait. That’s what I’m really really excited about. But yea Jawan Harris. He’s insane. I need you guys to look out for him in 2020 as well because he’s definitely outa here.

Interviewer: Oh, I’m excited now. Sometimes I be thinking about where Jawan Harris is because he was so talented.

Tiffany: Yes. Honestly, I be blushin’ cause he’s just so gifted and a lot of people know that but they haven’t seen him in a while. But it’s going to be refreshing to hear what we’ve come up with together and like I said he pushes me to be the best I can be in ways that nobody has been able to push me and he’s just vocally that nigga so ya’ll in for a treat for real for real.

Interviewer: So, now I’m going to take it way way back to when I was in second grade watching you on Star Search. What was it like being on Star Search as a child and like every week you were just killing it and killing it. What was that experience like?

Tiffany: Honestly you know it’s so funny I was really such a kid in that I didn’t even realize what was going on. Like I just knew that I was singing and I was in LA for the first time. That trip was like my very first flight that I’ve ever taken and my very first time being on the west coast. I was really just trying to soak everything in. You know when you’re a child it’s like everything seems so surreal to you and everything happens so fast. It’s like you don’t even realize what’s truly going on around you until you get older and you’re like damn I really did that. That is so cool. And it’s so funny because someone had brought to my attention some time ago and they said, “Did you know that you competed against Tori Kelly?” and I’m like “Tori Kelly?” I’m like “No! I did not.” they were like “Yes you did.” I’m like “Whooo!” Tori is outta here. I love me some Tori Kelly. I love her to death like she’s absolutely amazing. So, when they told me that I was just like really really surprised but it’s an example of how you really don’t know what’s going on around you and the people that you come across. You really don’t notice it until you get older or until you have some time to really sit back and reflect. My life has really been adventurous. 

Interviewer: So, speaking of adventurous. You went from Star Search and then how did you make your way into Tyler Perry’s mind to star in Diary Of A Mad Black Woman. 

Tiffany: So, with that my team was telling me at the time that Tyler had reached out to Oprah and then Oprah contacted my team for me to submit a tape for Diary Of A Mad Black Woman. So, I just ended up getting on tape and I think I sang “Amazing Grace.” I don’t remember doing any lines on the tape I just think he wanted me to talk a little bit and then sing a little bit. I just remember after that flying to Atlanta. I was in jersey at the time and I remember flying into Atlanta and recording “Father Can You Hear Me” in the studio. Like Tyler was there and he was coaching me and everything and I remember going in there and just like again it being one of those moments where I really didn’t comprehend what was going on. I was just like living in the moment and doing what I knew how to do which was sing and now that I look back on it it’s just crazy how I got to me all of the people that I got to meet then and how far everybody has gone and where I’m at in my life now. It’s just all like one big wow.

Interviewer: Yea, that was literally like the best scene in the whole movie. Like that church scene, you singing, then your momma came through. (Laughter)

Tiffany: (Laughter) He knew exactly what to do. That definitely resonated with the people because I felt like that was just a heartfelt moment. I can only imagine what was going through the audience member’s head. They probably felt like that was a moment that should happen and he put it in there. Where the family should be reunited and it be emotional and it was perfect for that movie and for that scene.

Interviewer: In some of the movie’s following Diary Of A Mad Black Woman you were either referenced or someone else played your character. Were you ever supposed to be in those projects?

Tiffany: You know I don’t know. I’ve had a lot of questions about that and I know in the acting world things switch up so much. They explore other characters they explore different faces and it’s kind of how the game goes in acting. I’ve been to the studios, I’ve been on auditions and meetings over the past year down here in Atlanta but that’s regarding other projects. However, when it comes to those movies that Tiffany was used as a reference or whatever I really don’t know. I just know that the acting game is very spontaneous and random and things switch up all the time. But I have no doubt that I’ll be working with him in the future.

Interviewer: We gotta get you and Keke Palmer working together because when Keke was adopted by Madea I was like where is Tiffany teaching her this math. (Laughter)

Tiffany: (Laughter) We gotta meet up as adults now. That would be so cute.

Interviewer: That would be! (Laughter)

Tiffany: (Laughter) It would be so cute. It would be so cute.

Interviewer: Alright, we’re going to manifest that. We’re just going to speak it into existence.

Tiffany: We just going to put it out there. All you gotta do is just say it, speak it claim it and believe it. Like I said I have no doubt that it’s going to happen and same thing with Keke. You know everything is going to come back full circle I believe that life always comes back around full circle so you just gotta believe it. Believe the positive.

Interviewer: When you first came out you were kind of put on and Ciara was endorsing you. What was it like getting that sponsorship from Ciara? And I don’t know if she brought you under her wing. What was that like and what was your relationship like and do you still have a relationship today?

Tiffany: Well basically I had signed to Columbia when I was ten and I was you know working on different projects and doing a lot of recording. I was touring around with Kanye and John Legend. At the time we were doing a lot of promo dates together. We were all under the same label at the time and we were all working with the same people and you know I was just doing a lot of performances and growing up trying to figure out who I am as an artist because I’m super young. I ended up coming across Phillana Williams. She became my management when I was like 13 and so she was managing Ciara before she was managing me, and you know I turned 13 or 14 and Phillana had a meeting with the label. She was just like we’re going to work on some fun records for her that fit her crowd and kind of make her the girl that kind of fits the trend. She got this bob going on she wears a lot of colors we’re just going to make her fun and let her talk about things that teenagers start to experience as they get older and they’re tapping more into their emotions and I think in her head it was a great idea for her to pair me up with Ciara. It was an easy connection because she was already managing her and I had met Ciara like years before we had worked together I had always seen her in passing. I visited a couple of her shows so you know it was like coming full circle. (Laughter) So I started working with Phillana and then I remember Ciara flying down and recording her intro to “Promise Ring” and it just kind of went from there. It was a great idea. Everybody really loved it and it was organic. It felt good. Nothing was forced it was just something that she agreed to do and she did it. She was going on the “Scream Tour” and they decided to take me along and that’s kind of how all of that happened and kudos to Phillana for executing that plan.

Interviewer: Yea, cause Promise Ring still hits today. That’s still a great song.

Tiffany: It do. I be like dang somebody was thinking. And the funny thing is people will tag me so much. I know it’s been played at festivals, I know that they were playing Afro Beats. I’m like uuhh okay this is crazy. So, you know it was really cool. The experience was something that I’ll never forget and I’ll always cherish and I recently saw her last year in Atlanta when she stopped during her tour her beauty marks tour and the energy was great everybody was really genuine and she just looked good she had just gotten off stage and her energy was still just as sweet as can be and so everything is good.

Interviewer: You told me about your projects but do you have any movies coming up, shows, or anything else lined up?

Tiffany: Well I’m going to be honest. I have an agent in LA and I’ve been auditioning for a lot of things but really, I put my focus back into making sure the music is done. Acting is really truly another love for me and you know I take it very serious and it requires a lot of time it requires a lot of effort and so I said to myself that what’s going to make more sense for me to do is to finish what I started which is me completing the music that I’ve been working on and getting it out to my fans who’ve been waiting for so long. They’ve been holding on and questioning if the project is coming or not. I really want to give them this and cater to them because it’s been so long and so I kind of put acting on the back burner just a little bit so that I can focus on finishing my projects. I’m going to tour this year and a lot of my energy is going to have to go into the music which is okay because I’m an artist first but I’m definitely going to take some time to go to LA and get back into acting for a little bit but for now music is the priority.

Interviewer: Do you know who you’re going on tour with yet?

Tiffany: Well, this girl her name is Tiffany Evans and you know she’s kind of going to do this intimate thing and she’s going to rock these cities. But no, I honestly have some people that I really do want to go on tour with but in terms of my project I think I’m going to do something solo and maybe invite a special guest or whatever but right now I think I want to do something intimate and solo. Maybe towards the summer we’ll start getting out there on the road. 

Interviewer: Is there anything else that you would like to tell your fans?

Tiffany: I just want to tell everybody to stay encouraged and fight for yourself. I know there’s a lot of stuff going on right now in the world and I always want to leave everybody a positive message at the end. I want to try to at least at the end of each interview because it’s not always just about the person that’s being questioned and so I just want to shine the light on everybody else and try to give some encouragement. Tell everybody to keep pushing forward and get focused. Get in your bag. Go get your bag. Just believe the very best for yourself. Believe that great things are on the way and just be in it to win it. That’s it honey. Take care of your soul, take care of your mind, take care of your emotional, mental, physical state and everything is going to be okay.

Interviewer: I love it. Thank you so much Tiffany

Tiffany: No problem. Ya’ll stay tuned though! Make sure ya’ll stay tuned. Watch my video. My video “Merry Go Round” just came out. I’m actually about to drop another record. I’m really really excited about that and you know I’m just ready to get out there and start performing so stay tuned in on my Instagram and let’s get it.