Friday, May 3, 2024


Just Jump!

It's all about jumping! Jump off that cliff of fear into the pool of faith! Yes, we fear change, but without change there can be no growth. Don't worry, you have an invisible parachute attached to you. Now, it won't open right away but all that matters is that it WILL open....
So, there’s so many things you can do in life. I’m sure when you were younger, you heard careers such as doctor, lawyer, teacher, scientist, and the list goes on. But, as young adults it’s important to determine what we want to do with our life, and not what...
Doubt is the killer of all dreams. So why do we do it? FEAR. Fear of what? Success? Change? Everything? When we’re afraid of something, we tend to doubt anything that may be associated with, especially when it involves some area of change within our personal lives. For example, you want to venture out...

LOVE Your Struggle

When we hear the word struggle, first thing that we think is, “I don’t want to.” No one is in a rush to struggle to pay bills, find a way to work, to live day to day, or struggle period, myself included. However, I think that we miss the positives...


The best thing about life is that everything I’ve ever lost has been replaced with something better. With that we never lack, we transition! No matter what stage you are in your life you are constantly transitioning to the next best thing. This is the process of growth and...
When you are about to give up, remember those who said you are not good enough. Remember those who did not support you, lied to you, made you look like a fool. Remember those people who were not rooting for you. At that moment they thought you were weak and...
In the matter of moments our whole world has stopped. We have been forced to stop going to our favorite social events, restaurants, and clubs. Brunch has been replaced with quiet Sunday morning breakfasts and gym sessions are now at home and social distancing is now the new normal....

You ARE Worth It

Knowing your worth and making it known to others are quite complex tasks. I know from experience, especially in relationships. It's easy to tell your homegirl or homeboy, "Yea I know my worth, he won't get me if he tries to treat me any way less than I deserve."...
Hey again! I have a challenge this week for you. It's something that has really worked for me and I'd love to encourage you to get in on it if you haven't already. I encourage you to get out a new notebook (yes a new one, not your class...
Growing up my mother would always tell me “those who don’t hear must feel”. I have always had an issue of being a people pleaser growing up. My mom would tell me not to let people take advantage of me and I should put my foot down (in respective...