Friday, July 26, 2024


According to TIME, Dr. Lillian Glass, a California-based communication and psychology expert, defines a toxic relationship as “any relationship don’t support each other, where there’s conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where there’s competition, where there’s disrespect and a lack of cohesiveness.” In our society you...

Just Jump!

It's all about jumping! Jump off that cliff of fear into the pool of faith! Yes, we fear change, but without change there can be no growth. Don't worry, you have an invisible parachute attached to you. Now, it won't open right away but all that matters is that it WILL open....
Passion is defined as the strong barely controllable emotion we have to a thing or a person. It is an emotion we feel so strongly we go our whole lives seeking for what drives us. Sometimes the journey to finding our passions can we hard and demanding. In life you get pulled in...
Culture is simply a shared way of doing something with passion. We are in a world of constant change and you have to adapt if you want to keep up with the times. What are you doing to support the culture in your community? What are you doing to support...
Food culture (by definition) refers to the practices, attitudes, and beliefs as well as the networks and institutions surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food. We create our own food culture based on our environment and resources in our communities. As time has progressed there has been an increase in the creation of...
Everybody is not your assignment. That’s why you are drained. Let it go and give YOURSELF a little more self-care! The weight that you carry by dealing with everyone else’s problems will leave you with nothing for yourself. The relationships you have with the people you care about will suffer...
Sometimes God takes you on a journey that you didn’t know you needed to bring you everything you ever wanted. Trust the plan and then execute! Stop all that you know you shouldn’t be doing and use that energy to do what you should be. There is a greater goal...
Hey again! I have a challenge this week for you. It's something that has really worked for me and I'd love to encourage you to get in on it if you haven't already. I encourage you to get out a new notebook (yes a new one, not your class...
The beautiful thing about growing up is that we start to learn more about ourselves. We go through trials and tribulations that shape us into the best version of the person we are striving to be. What may have been a perfect situation for you last year may not...
Let me ask you this, have you ever heard of the phrase, “There’s power in your mouth”? It sounds crazy, but I’m here to tell you today how true that is. Now, don’t lie. Me and you both have our moments where we talk down upon ourselves. Whether it’s...