Saturday, July 27, 2024


Are you a believer in second chances? What about starting over? The thought of change can be scary, especially as you get older. As we get older we become set in our ways so much so that new variables will throw us off. Believe it or not, fear can...
Congratulations! You have spent the past four years busting your butt to network, make the grades and finally walk across that stage. Unfortunately, the joy of graduation ceremony has been stripped from graduates everywhere. 2020 has been an interesting year and we have all had to adjust our normal....
We all have moments where we feel absolutely defeated. Those moments where we feel like a complete failure, or we just want to give up. Those are the moments where you have to search within yourself the will to continue. You have to encourage YOURSELF. Support from an outside source is nice...
Today’s mantra: I AM grateful for my life. I AM grateful for the people that are in it and I am exactly where I am supposed to be. As you continue your journey of life just take the time to say, “thank you”. Thank God, thank the universe, thank those who have helped...
When you are about to give up, remember those who said you are not good enough. Remember those who did not support you, lied to you, made you look like a fool. Remember those people who were not rooting for you. At that moment they thought you were weak and...
The definition of self-discipline is the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it. For us to operate in the best manner, we have to create a system of self-discipline. It is always great to have a support system around you but no one...

LOVE Your Struggle

When we hear the word struggle, first thing that we think is, “I don’t want to.” No one is in a rush to struggle to pay bills, find a way to work, to live day to day, or struggle period, myself included. However, I think that we miss the positives...
In order to support Black employees, business leaders must foster a safe space in which communication is instilled through proactive check-ins, feedback, and an open two-way channel of communication with the higher-ups. According to CNN, a recent study conducted by the Center of Talent Innovation (CTI), a company that advises...
What is fear? Fear is an unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined. Fear can result in excessive worrying, intrusive thoughts, and severe anxiety. As we get older, we are taught fear based on life lessons and situations. It is unfortunate, but having fears are...

Your Thoughts Count

We are often told to watch what we say because those words can manifest into reality. However, we’re never told to watch our thoughts. Thoughts are just unspoken words, which can also manifest into their own reality as well. Ever sit and look around you and feel like, “what else...